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PM City

PMP Exam Prep

Common Areas

The common fundamentals of project management and of PM City. 


The knowledge areas of the PMBOK 6th edition in their own neighborhoods.


Play and learn. Games and content in fun and different ways. Plus practice exams.

Theater District

Watch videos and animations about project management processes and concepts.

Common Areas - General Knowledge

Explore and complete all the lessons in the common areas. These lessons cover all the general concepts, terms, and organizations of project management and the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. Return to these common areas as often as you wish.

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PM City Tour
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Welcome to PM City! 

Come take a look around. Explore the basic tenets of project management and the extent of what is covered in PM City and the PMP certification exam.

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Projects and Project Management
Start Course
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It all starts with a project. Understanding what a project is you can appreciate what project management is and why it is so useful to organizations.

Start Course
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Project Environments
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Projects do not happen in isolation. There are environments which all project and the people involved must operate within and be influenced by.

PMP Application
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Becoming a PMP requires approval from the Project Management Institute or PMI. Without it you cannot sit for the exam. 

Start your application and get it approved. Your approval is good for a year. This lesson explains the process. 

Project Managers
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This is who you are. This is who the PMP exam is made for. Understand your role, your value, and what skill sets expected of you.

The role of project manager is evolving, but there are some characteristics of all good project managers and what they do.

Processes and Lifecycle
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The best practices of  project management of the PMBOK are organized by processes and span the project life cycle. This is the organizational structure that all PMPs must know and comprehend. 

Neighborhoods - Knowledge Areas

Select the PM City neighborhood to explore. All ten knowledge areas have their own dedicated neighborhood complete with activities, examples, and games. Each PM City neighborhood comes with a City Guide to assist you on your journey. 

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Integration Management brings it all together. This knowledge area coordinates and unifies all components of managing a project. It lets the project manager and others see the big picture.

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Projects cost money. You may measure the costs to the organization in dollars, yen, or hours or something else. Whatever you use the project must equate the use of resources and effort to some metric to plan for and track. 

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How do you measure quality? Do you know it when you see it? How are you going to make certain that quality is always present and not something that requires control after it is already out of control? Lots of questions to consider and think about in this knowledge area.

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Communication in a project is essential. There are a lot of moving parts and a lot that must be know and transmitted. Without the proper and most effective communications the project risks breakdowns, failures, misdirection, frustration, and so much more of concern.

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Not all resources and needs reside within your project organization. You must procure resources from outside groups, third parties, vendors, and other outlets. Managing those decisions and agreements are core to the Procurement Management knowledge area.

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What needs to be done in the project and how much effort is required to get it done? That is the essence of the Scope Management knowledge area. You don't want to work on things you are not suppose to work on and you don't want to miss anything!

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This knowledge area pertains to the time and schedule concerns of the project. Time is important. Projects are temporary. Setting and meeting time expectations are important to project success.

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Projects do not just happen on their own. They require resources. Those resources are products, people, materials, and others. You must know what resources are needed, when, for how long, in what form, and how to release them. And when they are part of the project, how to get the most from them.

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There are many things that could go right or wrong in a project. How much time and energy you spend on those uncertainties is Risk Management. There are risks you can prepare for or influence or avoid. Know the possibilities, impacts, and strategies on how to handle the unknowns of a project.

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Any one affected by the project - whether its outcome or even its operation - are stakeholder. Positively or negatively affected, they are still stakeholders. How do you identify them and work to engage them at just the most beneficial level.

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Theater - Movies and More

Sometimes some things are better explained via video or with a white board illustration. Sit back. Grab the popcorn. And enjoy some explanatory videos on various project management processes and concepts. More videos are being added all the time.

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Sprint Planning Ceremony in Agile / Scrum Project Management

Sprint Planning Ceremony in Agile / Scrum Project Management

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Agile Ceremonies Explained Using a Restaurant Example

Agile Ceremonies Explained Using a Restaurant Example

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Parks - Games and Extras

Studying and preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam can also be fun and entertaining! Enjoy some of your downtime or times you want to squeeze in a little extra review.

Click on the images below to launch the games and the other bonus content.

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PMP Practice Mock Exam 6th edition free sample



All Knowledge Areas

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

Quality Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

Integration Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

New 2021Question Styles

Demo of new exam type questions beyond the traditional of the 2021 PMP Exam

Stakeholder Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

Resources Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

Schedule Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam


Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

Communications Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam


Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam


Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam


Knowledge Area

Click the rocket to launch a short practice exam

General Project Management

Click the rocket to launch the general project management exam

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